The Director of STARFLEET Intelligence

Description of Role
The Director of STARFLEET Intelligence is responsible for establishing, maintaining the Department of Intelligence and submitting reports as required, Job Duties: • Gather Information from event managers and hosts when attending conventions or other functions. • Gather information from fandom-based groups when attending conventions and events and provide a report to the Auxiliary Director. • Contact local organizations, seek out and develop information; determine how STARFLEET can support their missions and visions and how they may be able to help STARFLEET. • Build a staff of Regional and local Intelligence representatives to facilitate networking on an international level. • Maintain a database of events information, on an international level, where STARFLEET can participate, network, and recruit. Provide this information to the other Auxiliary Departments.
Skills Needed
Exceptional Communication Skills: The Director of STARFLEET Intelligence must possess excellent verbal and written communication skills..• A keen understanding of the mission of the Intelligence Department • Leadership and Team Management: The Director of Intelligence should demonstrate strong leadership qualities and the ability to inspire and motivate team members within the Intelligence Department. • Interpersonal Skills: The ability to interact positively and respectfully with individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives is crucial. • Problem-Solving Skills: The Director of Intelligence should be adept at identifying issues, analyzing complex situations, and implementing effective solutions. • Knowledge of Fan Community Dynamics: An understanding of the dynamics and trends within the science fiction fan community is advantageous for representing STARFLEET’s interests and staying informed about relevant developments. • Event Awareness: The Intelligence Director should possess a keen awareness of upcoming conventions, fan events, and gatherings relevant to STARFLEET’s interests. This includes staying informed about the schedules, locations, and themes of various events within the science fiction community and being knowledgeable about which fan groups, organizations, and communities are likely to attend or participate in these events. • Primary duties include, but may not be limited to, the following: • You will be required to attend at least 2 meetings quarterly should they be requested by Auxiliary Service staff and/or meetings as requested by the SFIN Director. • Help SFIN Senior Staff with programming and written work to ensure compliance with Auxiliary Service policies. • The Assistant Director will also be responsible for creating, maintaining, and coordinating the SFIN Section Chief program and its subsequent inclusion in the SFIN manual. You will also be responsible for creating the material for the SFIN manual. • The Deputy Director will serve as FIRST point of contact for the Assistant Directors if complications should arise. If additional resolution is needed, then the Director can be contacted. • Help train new staff members.
Training Requirements (if applicable)
Candidate must have completed the following courses to be considered: OTS and OCC Current SFDPP certification (minimum 101 and 102, and recertification if applicable)
Age Requirements (if applicable)

Questions can be directed to Auxiliary Services  Deputy Director Mark Anderson at Application period closes 30 September.