Social Media Coordinator/Moderator

Description of Role
The Social Media Coordinator/Moderator will be responsible for monitoring, occasionally posting, and coordinating content from various departments of STARFLEET for a social media account managed by the Dept. of Communications. Content would be directed/approved by the Social Media Services Manager, the Chief of Communications, or the Deputy Chief of Communications as needed. Among the duties is to engage with comments left on the site in an appropriate manner consistent with all SFI policies. A brief summary of activity for the past month is required to be submitted to the Social Media Services Manager and the Chief of Communications. Note: Multiple positions may be filled.
Skills Needed
*Good writing and editing skills
*Two or more years of experience in social media usage
*Demonstrated understanding of various social media platforms and how they function
*Time management and interpersonal communication skills
*Creativity with appropriate content sources, and management of content provided by other departments of STARFLEET
Training Requirements (if applicable)
*Passage of OTS and all SFDPP courses to be current on certification. A reasonable amount of time will be allowed for taking the SFDPP courses if certification has not already been secured.
*Minimum of 1 year as a member in good standing of STARFLEET
Age Requirements (if applicable)
Must be over 21

Questions can be directed to Lucy Ferron Franck, Application period closes 21 February 2025.

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