Regional Sol Speaker Series Liaisons

Description of Role
We are looking for Regional Sol Speaker Series Liaisons to assist STARFLEET Sciences with bringing in presenters from around the world. Sol Speaker Series in a monthly online event open to all members of STARFLEET. We have distinguished speakers with a reputation for great presentations, only the finest for our membership!

Our liaisons will identify skilled presenters in various science disciplines in their regions and work with the Sciences Director in corresponding with the potential presenter and coordinating event. Liaisons will also participate in planning and expanding the Sol Speaker Series to make sure it is available to all members regardless of geographic location. We are particularly interested in Regional representation outside of the US and Canada.

Skills Needed
Good communication skills
Ability to network
Experience in online event planning
Experience with Zoom
Experience with social networking
Team player

For more information, contact Director of Sciences, Barb Barton, at

Apply Online


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